National Archaeological Museum of Pontecagnano “Gli Etruschi di Frontiera”

02 May 2007

With an official ceremony on the last 21st of April opened the new National Archaeological Museum of Pontecagnano “Gli Etruschi di Frontiera”. The opening represents the final step of a great project supported by the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici delle Province di Salerno, Avellino e Benevento (Superintendence for Archaeological Patrimony of Salerno, Avellino and Benevento Districts). The new structure will house the objects collected from 1964 in Pontecagnano area, where has been found one of the most important Etruscan site in the south of Italy. For this project Laboratorio museotecnico Goppion realized the study of showcases design, construction and engineering and the implementation of exhibition structures and internal lighting.
