La Conversione di Saulo exposed in Milan

14 Nov 2008

From November 16th Palazzo Marino, Milan Municipal Building, hosts an exceptional event: after a long restoration is exposed to the public La Conversione di Saulo, the only significant example of painting on wood of the great master Caravaggio.

The opera, performed in 1601, had an adventurous fate that only recently has been completely rebuilt and understood. Commissioned in 1600 by Tiberio Cerasi for his chapel in S. Maria del Popolo in Rome, the painting has never been exposed in the church and, following the death of its purchaser, began a tortuous pilgrimage that led it first to Spain, then back to Italy by the Baldi family in Genoa, and finally to the Odescalchi family, who is the current owner and caretaker.

The great event is sponsored by the Italian Ministry for Arts and Culture, together with the Municipality of Milan, and it’s a unique opportunity to admire this Caravaggio master-work, displayed until December 14th.

For this occasion Laboratorio museotecnico Goppion realized a unique showcase, entirely in sheet steel - oven painted with a special epoxy-, with laminated, extra-clear and antiglare glasses. To ensure the best protection to Caravaggio masterpiece, the case is no break-through and with internal microclimate control. Remarkable is the structure on wheels, which allows movement of the case, and the large glass walls that guarantee a 360-degree view.
